This fishing trip plans were last minute as Dinie and Taufiq Kong came back frm ICA building after making new passport. Kong was planning to buy a new rod so we thought might as well go ahead with some angling good time. Haziq picked us up by car at 5.00pm and we were off to the jetty. Things picked up fast when we reached there as Kong brought up a Scat also known as Ikan Kitang. Then out of nowhere a barramundi a.k.a siakap was spotted swimming near the jetty. We tried using a whole dead prawn to entice it but to no avail. Suddenly, Dinie turned his back to see his rod bending . It took him less than a minute to bring up a good size sicklefish a.k.a tudung periuk.His first btw.haha. Haziq managed to catch a baby tiger grouper which was released unharmed and Dinie caught an small emperor snapper. The day ended with lots a usats which were released back. Great trip to remember!

Kong's first other fish than Usat

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